This is a high poly vehicle that I made for one of my classes. It consists of a few main parts and a lot of small details. The difficult part was making it look like the reference that I had found, the vehicle seemed too long in one instance of the reference and then too tall in another.
Another detail that seems a little lost in these renders are the small bolts that litter the vehicle. Adding these bolts maintained a certain level of man-made that gave the illusion that this vehicle could actually be real.
The body of the vehicle, where people would hypothetically sit, was the most annoying shape I have had the pleasure of wanting to beat my head into the monitor making. In every angle the shape seemed wrong, and to boot I can't imagine ever wanting to sit in this thing.
In the end it was a challenge to make this vehicle, but a welcomed one. We had limited time, 5 weeks, and we projected the high poly to a low poly version that we also had to create.
For this being my first attempt at a really high poly model I feel pretty good about it. A few things I would fix, but isn't there always?